Learn about the history of Purolator. Here are our greatest milestones that have shaped the Purolator of today.
We’re proud to celebrate 60+ years of delivering our customers’ promises. Over the last six decades, we’ve grown from a company with two employees, to recently launching a historic growth and innovation investment plan. Here are some of our greatest milestones that have shaped the Purolator of today.
Building the foundations for shipping in Canada.
Driving technological innovation and expansion.
Purolator became the first Canadian courier company to offer pickup requests on the internet with the launch of Purolink. Customers could track packages, check rates and transit times and download our automated shipping software. Within one year of launching, 1 million shipment requests were processed.
Our cross-border subsidiary is launched. Purolator Courier, U.S. (later to become Purolator International) provides U.S. businesses delivery services to Canada using our long-standing expertise.
Focusing on modernization, growth and customer service.
At a time of substantial dialogue regarding security, Purolator was one of a select few companies in Canada to receive Partners in Protection (PIP), Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and Free and Secure Trade (FAST) approval. This achieved all three levels of voluntary trans-border security programs from agencies on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border.
Founded the Purolator Tackle Hunger® program, a food drive campaign designed to address the issue of hunger in Canada and benefit local food banks across the country.
Invested in environmentally-friendly transport options and became the first Canadian courier to start the transition to hybrid-electric vehicles.
Reinforcing commitments to our customers, the community and the environment.
Launched the first of its kind, Mobile Quick Stop. Ten trucks placed in Canadian cities create convenient, alternative locations for consumers to pick up packages.
Launched Purolator QuickShipTM, Canada’s first service that allowed businesses to deliver products to consumers seven days a week with same-day or next-day delivery.
Investing in tomorrow’s growth, innovation and customer experience.
Purolator launched fully-electric low-speed vehicles and e-bikes to reduce its carbon footprint and provide greater fleet flexibility in urban centres.
At the centre of our growth and innovation strategy is Purolator’s new $330 million, 430,000-sq-ft National Hub facility. Scheduled for completion in late 2021, this new facility will house world-class automation features, helping more customers get even more packages to their destinations quickly, safely and reliably.
Purolator launches fully-electric curbside-delivery trucks – the first to be launched nationally by a Canadian courier company. These electric delivery trucks will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 24 metric tons per year (per vehicle).
What’s next for Purolator?
Learn more about us and how we’re delivering the future.