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Message from our President and CEO

April 22, 2021

This past March marked the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown. Looking back, I for one didn’t believe we’d still be living through this pandemic a year later. Like all of you, Purolator has had to maneuver around the impacts and the unprecedented resulting effects it’s had on businesses of all sizes across the globe.

We rose to the challenge and learned a great deal about our ability to adapt. Purolator's front-line employees play a critical role in the transportation and delivery of essential goods throughout Canada.

Where we are now

We have been proud to play a key role in helping hospitals, long-term care homes and other primary care facilities get the critical supplies of PPE, test kits and COVID-19 drug treatments they need to provide care for the most vulnerable people. We look forward to continuing this work, keeping the flow of critical goods moving.

We’ve recently made a number of enhancements to our network and capabilities. For example, we opened and expanded new facilities, added more routes, opened more customer access points and increased our number of vehicles. In fact, recently we were the first Canadian courier company to launch fully electric curbside-delivery trucks, a significant step in greening our fleet.

Where we’re going

While we acknowledge COVID-19 will be part of our lives for a while longer, we believe there are reasons to be optimistic about the future and we’re well prepared to serve our customers. Our volumes are high and our business is stable. With peak season a few months away, we’re evolving our service plans to make sure we’re ready for another busy year end.

To continue to provide the best possible service, we’re scaling our operations by expanding to a seven-day model. We’re also continuing to make progress on the construction of our new National Hub, and making investments in our network and fleet. In our efforts to make it easy for our customers to send and receive their packages, we’re developing more access points at kiosks, parcel lockers and partner locations.

Health and well-being remains our top priority

Purolator values the health and safety of our employees and the communities we serve. We want to ensure our people on the front lines stay healthy so they can continue serving Canadians and keep supply chains across the country moving. That’s why we are standing in support of our employees’ desire to get vaccinated alongside other front-line essential workers, as quickly as possible.

For 60 years, Purolator has been serving Canadians through challenging times and the pandemic has shown us what is possible when we all come together. We hope you and those around you remain safe and keep healthy as we ride out this third wave together.

John Ferguson
President and CEO